Khartoum International Community School i Khartoum

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Al Mujahdeen, Khartoum, Sudan
Kontakter telefon: +249 18 321 5000
Latitude: 15.5334961, Longitude: 32.5849935
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Kommentar 5

  • kate osam

    kate osam


    This is Mr. Joseph Castillejo's criminal team. According to reports from Khartoum Airport, three teachers from Nile Valley School (a loving pre-school teacher addicted to methamphetamines, her partner and the math teacher) were arrested by possession of drugs and try to introduce them to the country, (two of them are awaiting trial, the other continues to work freely in school). On the other hand the Principal Joseph Castillejo was also arrested for a nighttime disturbance. The level of corruption is alarming, sexual harassment, alcohol and drugs is impressive in NVS. It is confirmed that Mr. Joseph Castillejo repeats his conflicting behavior, creating a dangerous environment and protecting his favorite teachers. The students are in the hands of drug addicts and the administration tries to hide this situation that is an open secret. The police reports are clear and can be consulted to confirm these facts.

  • Waston Will

    Waston Will


    Good school

  • Mohallab Marouf

    Mohallab Marouf


    They have good reputation

  • هادي أفضل الهجره إلى السويد تفضل لأن انا مجربهها

    هادي أفضل الهجره إلى السويد تفضل لأن انا مجربهها


    I loved it cause I heard that this school is the best 😍

  • Preet Mg

    Preet Mg


    Nice school with heart warming people and amazing facilities for sports and education. A great teacher to student ratio which helps kids learn better and become closer to their teachers. The physical education system is great and includes over 20 sports and the school ground is one that admirable.

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