Elrazi University i Khartoum North

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Azhari Road, Khartoum North, Khartoum, SD Sudan
Kontakter telefon: +249 15 512 4002
Hjemmeside: www.elraziuniv.net
Latitude: 15.5119536, Longitude: 32.5927448
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Kommentar 5

  • Sadig Elsadig

    Sadig Elsadig


    Elrazi university is a light house beacon that gives hope to the students aspiring to become the best in the medical field. Elrazi has a unique faculty team of scientific excellence and a keen eye on integrity ..

  • Abdel Fattah Hussein Ahmed

    Abdel Fattah Hussein Ahmed


    من اجمل الجامعات فى السودان

  • Ahmad Muhammad

    Ahmad Muhammad


    Lovely university lovely student wish all of you students good luck. I'm still in the university and by my experience it's 'the best' in sudan but there time table is not for lazy students because lecture begins as early as 7 am sharp continuously for 6day except friday. Hope this review helps someone please leave a like and share thank you😀

  • shosho magzoub

    shosho magzoub


    Very. Good. University. And good. Staff. Academic doctors

  • Khairullah Abubakar Nababa

    Khairullah Abubakar Nababa


    I've been to the University and it is freakishly amazing. In fact words can not describe it. It's edifice, lecture halls, premises, etc. I just love the University...

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