International University of Africa i Khartoum

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Madani Street, 12223, Khartoum, Khartoum, SD Sudan
Kontakter telefon: +249 92 079 0284
Latitude: 15.5308848, Longitude: 32.5676757
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Kommentar 5

  • Mohamed Eltigani

    Mohamed Eltigani


    واحدة من منارات العلم بالسودان، يتم قبول عدد كبير من مختلف الجنسيات بها

  • Mr.mstfa



    The University is located in the South-Eastern part of Khartoum State occuping an area of 93 acres. IUA history Due to its location and cultural history the Sudan has been hosting a steady flow of groups from neighboring countries who were either in pursuit of  knowledge or were on their way to perform pilgrimage. Some stayed behind either with a shaykh ( religious leader) of fleeing religious persecution which set in as a result of European colonization. Others were forced by incessant wars to seek refuge and education in the Sudan. In 1978 a number of scholars set up the Isalmic African Institute with popular effort. The Institute began by accepting African students at the intermediate and secondary levels. But after only two years this project was stopped. Later on the Government of the Sudan revived the idea and decided to establish the Centre on wider basis and with greater facilities. It invited a number of Arab countries to contribute to this project. Six Countries responded positively. These were: Egypt,Saudi Arbia,Kuwait,Qatar,The United Arba Emirates and Moroco whose representatives formed the Centre’s board of trustees and drew a statute which was approved by the Government of the Sudan and ratifies by the founding states. The Board of Trustees became the highest authority. The Government of the Sudan granted the centre a big plot of land and the president  of the Republic gave it diplomatic immunities and privileges which helped it to develop and progress quickly. The National Salvation government ratified the previous statue. Between 1977 and 1986 the establishment of the Islamic African Centre was accomplished and its administration and systems were settled and started to bear its fruits in the form of hundreds of graduates. The Centre could accommodate 800 students and the standard of studies were promoted to second level by setting up two university colleges. The Centre’s social and cultural activities which manifested themselves in the from of  teacher training courses, youth cultural mission and graduates associations won good reputation. The Centre became the object of hope and the number of applicants increased to the extent that in an African country more than 500 applicants competed for ten scholarship awards.

  • Sarwar Daneshpor

    Sarwar Daneshpor


    the best university of world

  • Ahmed Ali Ionescu

    Ahmed Ali Ionescu


    birokrasi universitas yg kurang teratur

  • Nadia Ahmed

    Nadia Ahmed


    It z a place full of corperation and love.regardless of the many people from different regions we are taken and live as one bounded by our brotherhood in islam

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