May 6 new market i Khartoum

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Khartoum, Sudan
Kontakter telefon: +249 91 806 4175
Latitude: 15.4922522, Longitude: 32.5467939
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Kommentar 5

  • Martin Louis

    Martin Louis


    Easy to provide services, despite it is a small place not big, but the service offers Easley and easy you can access and find all your purposes that you need in this place. We wish to develop and increase the services. I invites all people to visit the place in the near future to discover a new things that they are looking for. Wonderful place is always a great improving It is natural that man loves and loves all the things related to his country whatever it is because it represents part of his love to his country so I love my country charming and amazing " amazing simplicity and splendor and wish to progress and develop in all. Keep going to make difference and new suitable home for everyone

  • Saif Mohammed

    Saif Mohammed


    يا سلام هذا أفضل سوق في جنوب الخرطوم #سوق 6 الجديد

  • Full Flaps

    Full Flaps


    Ok good

  • Mido Issac

    Mido Issac


    good market

  • Mohallab Marouf

    Mohallab Marouf


    Local market

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